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Olds Turf Care Team lead by Superintendent Jason Clouston has spent many hours ensuring that the golf course is managed with stewardship in mind. Members have helped in many areas and with Outreach and Education projects both at the course and at our Audubon Sponsored school, Olds Elementary School. Every spring we go to the school and present the students information regarding the golf course habitat and birds of the area. The kids build bluebird boxes as the second portion of the program and as the final of the three-part program we bring out all 100+ kids to the golf course so they can see hands-on what goes on in bird boxes. We also have had them help us plant trees and shrubs to increase habitat as well we have shown them flowers and explained the bees and the butterfly's roles in pollination. Below are some pictures of our projects with members and kids.

Audubon/ Environmental Stewardship

For more information or questions please contact Jason Clouston at (403) 507-5806

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